Monday, June 30, 2014

I Am a Mormon, I Am a Christian

My name is Richard, and I'm a Mormon,  well, actually I prefer to use Latter Day Saint.  (LDS),  but that's a topic for another time.   It really just means that I aspire to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.  Contrary to my own          view of what it means to be LDS, I am sometimes told  that I am not a Christian. This perplexes me.  After all, isn't it a tenet of christianity that anyone who accepts Christ as their personal savior is a Christian?  Attempts to understand the detractors typically result in a frustratingly  circular conversation.
-"What makes a person a Christian?"
- "Accept Jesus as your personal savior."
-"Great!  Done, so I am a Christian."
Then it is explained to me that "Mormons"  believe in continuing revelation and modern prophets, or we do not believe in the Nicene Creed, or some other doctrinal difference that exists, makes us not Christian.
 -"But, since all of the different Christian denominations have differing beliefs, which ones are Christian and which ones are not?
At this point the circle is closed,
-"All of those who accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. "  are Christian."
I believe those  who tell me I am not Christian are sincere.  I simply disagree.   I am a Christian, and this is what being a Christian means to me.
  In the Garden of Gethsemane Christ took upon himself the sins and infirmities of all mankind, upon the cross of Calvary he sealed this covenant with his spotless blood, and rising from the garden tomb he made effective the power to break the bands of death for all men.  It is done, the measure is filled and the gift of salvation is free.  This is his gift to me
 Accepting this gift means allowing myself to be transformed by it in ways that change my nature. No unclean thing can dwell with God, not because God cannot abide the unclean.  It is the unclean who cannot abide the presence of God.  Jesus wants us all, he wants us home, but we turn away because we have not learned to tolerate the light.  We have not been transformed by his atoning power.
Because Jesus Christ satisfied the demands of justice, because he broke the bands of death  I have hope. Hope that by submitting my will to his I will be transformed, and will be able to stand the light.
  I am a Mormon, I Believe in Christ, and  I am Christian.